BGS November 5th 2016 Meeting

There was a good turnout of thirteen on this cold and noisy 5th of November. We started with a canon ensemble warm-up in the form of Tallis's Canon (by Thomas Tallis, arr. Derek Hasted), during which we took different guitar parts and cycled through each part on subsequent playings - a really good sight-reading exercise. Suitably warmed up we launched into some serious practice of Tangomania which we'll probably play at next year's FGS day.

John also introduced a new fun piece for us to play - Xote (Danca Popular Do Nordeste), a Brazilian dance by Celso Machado.

The break-time refreshments were provided as usual by Trevor - many thanks as always Trev!
There was a great and varied selection of solo performances this evening:

Marion Davis Valse Noble (Peter Berlind Carlson)
 Reflections (Peter Nutall)
Trevor Pike Boulavogue (Patrick Joseph McCall)
 My Love is Like a Red Rose (Burns)
Eduardo Gonzalez Se Io M’Accorgo (Anon)
 Balletto (Anon)
 Granada (AlbĂ©niz)
Andrew Ferrier Levantine Suite - Prelude (Bogdanovic)
 Levantine Suite - Cantelena (Bogdanovic)

We reconvened in the final part of the meeting to carry on working on Tangomania and another quick blast through of Xote before going home.

Please visit the Current Ensemble Repertoire page to see the pieces we are currently working on.

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